Saturday 31 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 56

WG fancies a beer (shocker!!), decides to phone his good mate NAFOS

WG: Naf, how are things, buddy ?

NAFOS: Fine, fine, Ah'm looking forward tae the gemme the morra, hopefully a few goals and three points.

WG: Fancy the Teser the night ?

NAFOS: Ah thoat ye went tae Craigneuk oan a Friday night.

WG: Ah cin easy bi back in Wishy fur hauf eight

NAFOS: Naw, Ah canny make it the night. Ah've a previous engagement.

WG: Business or pleasure, Naf ?

NAFOS: Tae bi honest, a bit ay baith.

WG: Male or female, Nafster ?

NAFOS: Ye don't half stick yir nose in, dae ye? Female if ye must know n that's is faur is Ah'm gaun, nae mair details WG. Nae whos, nae whens and nae wheres. Butt oot.

WG: Oh we ARE rather touchy today Mr NAFOS. Are you scared Militia Intelligence will pick up on your little rendezvous ? Only kiddin mate. I'm thinking of a little Love Action masel this weekend. Mibbe see ye eftir the gemme.

NAFOS: Aye, mibbe WG. Adios.

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