Saturday 31 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 52

Girl Talk

Bank's tearoom, lunchtime, October 2, 2008

Boynita: So that cad, Dougal Stuart, ditched you as well ?

Catriona: Yes, he blew the whistle on me. I think he done us up like a pair of kippers,less the..... er.... smell, of course. He set us up against each other, Boyne, and now he gets to play the field again.

Boyn: Not if I can help it, he won't.

Cat: Can we be friends again, Boyne ?

Boyn: I'm not so sure, Catriona. You let me down pretty badly. When did you and that creep Dougal Stuart split up ?

Cat: Oh, just the other night - he graciously phoned to tell me it was all over, said he was off to the continent to officiate at some European match.

Boyn: Probably Hamburg or Amsterdam. Anyway I hope he stays there for good. I received a strange phone call myself last night...

Cat: Pray tell.....

Boyn: Do you know Mr Nafos ?

Cat: Never heard of him. He sounds as if he's either foreign or from Shotts.

Boyn: No, he's local. I believe he puts the 'dim' in Dimsdale.

Cat: You don't half pick them, Boyne !

Boyn: I didn't pick him, Cat. He's supposed to be a pal of Winston Gemmell.

Cat: Oh I know THAT one alright, cause trouble in an empty pub he would.

Boyn: Oh I really like Winst. He has a certain charm, charisma and a cute dimple on his chin.

Cat: Charisma ? Dimples ? Rumour has it that Winston Bergkamp Gemmell is one of the leading lights in the proscribed Wishaw Militia. They make The Green Brigade look like choirboys. Anyway,er..... Mr were saying ?

Boyn: He asked me out

Cat: Asked you out where ?

Boyn: His local, Dirgewoods. Tomorrow night.

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