Friday 30 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 46

WG: Ah don't like the sound ay the word 'entile', Brother. Anyway whit's this Howy Twinity Lounge aw aboot ?

FA: It's a wounge dedicated to thwee of United's gweatest Caffwik pwayers.

WG: Who ur they ?

FA: Paddy Cwewand, Bwian McCwair and Wou Macawi.

WG: Cin ye run the thurd wan by mi again ?

FA: Wou-Wou-skip-ta-ma-Wou.

WG: Oh aye, him. Three traitors if ye ask me. Whut herm did Jimmy Delaney dae yis ?

FA: Cwewand

WG: Ah thoat Paddy Cwewand wiz a third ay the Trinity.

FA: No, Dewaney came from Cwewand, it would just confuse people if we made it a Howy Quadity. We try to be cwystal cwear at Old Twafford, keep on the wight side of jounnawists and pappawazzi.

WG: Evidently

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