Thursday 29 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 29

RWM: My thanks to you Brother Alexanderson. You will now take the place of Mr Gemmell for the remainder of the ritual. On conclusion of the ritual Winston Bergkamp Gemmell will be deemed to have attained the status of Entered Apprentice with you acting as proxy. Therefore it is to you, Brother Alexanderson, that Mr Gemmell will turn for further instruction in The Craft. Are we clear on this point ?

FA: You have dispwayed compwete cwawity, Wothy Pwotector of Widows and Ophans.

RWM: Excellent we will now proceed. Brother Jeweller, please produce the jaggy instrument.

Jeweller: I have it here, Worthy Master.

RWM: Brother Alexanderson, what do you see before you in the dwindling light of The Temple ?

FA: A pwick.

RWM: I DO beg your pardon, BROTHER Alexanderson.

FA: A compass to pwick the bweast of Winston Bwegkamp Gemmell.

RWM: All in good time. First of all the passwords. Will you begin or I begin ?

FA: I will begin if I may half.

RWM: You may half

FA: Twoball

RWM: Cain. Proceed.

FA: Will I half or you half first ?

RWM: I will half first. Deedle.

FA: Doddle.

RWM: Proceed. Will you half or will I half first?

FA: You will half first.

RWM: Girvan

FA: Wighthoose.

RWM: Good grief. Proceed to the Entered Apprentice oath so Mr Gemmell is left in no doubt as to the secret sacredness of our sacred secret secrets.

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