Thursday 29 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 26

Rugby Park, 21 September 2008 , Hauf-Time

WG: A peach so it wiz, that wiz the coarner Ah thoat he'd Ah put the penalty intae. Dae ye fancy a Killie pie ?

SOAL: If yir buyin, aye.

WG: Ah really like they peppered steak slices they dae here. Ah know it's a glorified steak bake bit Ah like thum, Ah really dae, even if wi ur peyin mair intae the Killie coffers.

WG's moby sounds, The Boys Of The Old Brigade, half the Celtic fans want tae kill him and the other half want tae lumber him

WG: Better take this, Arthur, here's the dosh fur the refreshments n don't furget ma chinge.

Arthur heads tae the pie stall

WG: WinninGemmell - make this good, I'm in a pre-peppered steak frame of my mind

Boynita: Hi Winst, how is your team doing today ?

WG: Wan-nil gaun oan six, pal. Yours ?

Boynita: It's just ended, Rangers won 2-1.

WG: Aw well, at least the mothers loast. Every Murdo MacLeod n aw that. Where ur ye ?

Boynita: I'm in the Ayrshire equivalent of your beloved Teser. I popped down to see my folks after all. Perhaps you'd care to meet here for a drink after the match. I'll make sure you get back to Wishaw in one piece. I've got the car.

WG: Ah dunno, Boyn. Ah've goat Arthur here an aw. He'll never bi able tae find his ain wey back tae the bus.

Boynita: There's no rush, Winst. Take Arthur back to the coach and then get a taxi here. I'll pay the driver on your arrival. Sound good to you ?

WG: It diz, actually.

Boynita: Then it's arranged. See you around seven then.

WG: Er, Boyn, whit's the name ay the pub ?

Boynita: The Square & Compass , you can't miss it. It's right in Kilmarnock town centre. See ya, Winst, mmmmwaahh.


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