Sunday 25 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 20

A Matter Of Opinion

NAFOS: Well that wiz a stinker ay a week, drapt poins in Europe n Ah waanted tae drap ma napper oan a few ay they darnelists it work

SOAL: The mothers ur joost is bad

WG: Aye, puzzle time. Embdy up fur a poser ?

NAFOS: Baldy Bain, The Edmiston Pain ?

WG: Naw. work this wan oot..... A team draws in Europe then a day later a team gits beat in Europe. Which team has recorded the better result ?

SOAL: The team thit drew in Europe.

WG: Arthur Lee, you are totally, utterly and unalterably WRANG. I now turn the same question to Mr NAFOS.... NAFOS - the verdict ay the Luxemburg yir ain time please.

NAFOS: It depends oan the competition.A draw in the Champions League gies ye wan point bit a narrow defeat in a two-legged UEFA Cup tie might be seen is the better result. If the defeat's away fae hame even mairso.

WG: In your no-say-humble opinion ?


SOAL: Whit ?

NAFOS: Naw,... ye see the standard ay oapposition in the Champions League should, bi its very definition, be of higher quality thin the UEFA Cup teams as vanquished last season by the gallant if ultimately unsuccessful Glasgow Rangers, beloved of Lancashire and aw points here tae thare and back hame again.

WG: Indeed, Mr NAFOS

SOAL: So who says the defeat wiz better thin the draw then ?

WG: The Scoattish media, that's who - mobile sounds - Oops better take this, our darnelist damsel appears to be in distress amigos........

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