Saturday 31 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 53

Cat: Dirgewoods ? That place sounds a-laugh-a-century

Boyn: Yes, I've been there before for a Tarot reading - the speywife said I'd have three sons and the middle one would become Craigneuk's second Cardinal.

Cat: A tenner well-spent, Boyne. So are you going to meet Mr Nafos ?

Boyn: I don't know. To tell the truth I was sort of carrying a torch for Winst.

Cat: What if Winston shows up in Dirgewoods ?

Boyn: I asked Nafos the very same thing

Cat: And ?

Boyn: He said Winston drinks in the Queen Lud of a Friday and, in any event, has barred himself out of Dirgewoods following an altercation with the bar manager after Arsenal lost a cup-tie to Bolton in 2006.

Cat: So the coast is clear. You've GOT to meet Nafos, Boyne. You've absolutely nothing to lose.

Boyn: I've absolutely Winston to lose.

Cat: Winston Bergkamp Gemmell is nothing but a Celtic-mad, right-wing, Catholic, anarchist, alcoholic thug, Boyne. Are you honestly serious about him ?

Boyn: I think so, Cat

Cat: When did you last hear from him ?

Boyn: Over a week ago when he asked me to go to Kilmarnock but I rebuffed him. Since then, not a word. Perhaps I've hurt his feelings.

Cat: All the more reason to meet the mysterious Mr Nafos.

Boyn: What do you mean, Cat ?

Cat: The green-eyed monster, Boyne. Meet Nafos and you're sure to spark a reaction from Winston. USE NAFOS. Use him just like Stuart used you and me.

Boyn: Sounds like a plan, Cat. I believe we just might be friends again.

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