Thursday 29 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 35

NAFOS: Cin Ah touch upon a sensitive issue here, WG ?

WG: Fire away amigo

NAFOS: Did the militia git tae yi in time ?

WG: Course they did. Ah'm here int Ah ?

NAFOS: That's no whut Ah mean. Did they git tae yi afore they stuck the pwick intae ye ?

WG: It's a compass, Naf - the jaggy end ay a compass. They pierce yir breast wi it.

SOAL: If they'd stabbed yi wid ye chinge yir Militia name fae Commander Collins tae Padraig Pierce ?

WG: Shhhhh, Arthur, loose talk costs lives. Enywey it didnae git tae that stage or yi'd bi drinkin wi a First Degree mason. Noo, Ah've goat a question fur you guys. How in God's name did yis find mi ?

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