Saturday 31 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 54

Diddy, Ducking & Diving

SFA HQ This morning, Wilma bursts into Duffield's office unexpectedly. She discovers her boss with his hair askew and a teaspoon apparently sticking out the side of his head. On his desk is a tub bearing the label: Narrowboat Macaroon Fondant

GD: Wilma, I've told you to knock before entering.

Wilma: I'm sorry Sir Gordon but I've a very important man on the line who would like to have a word with you.

GD: If it's Brown Browing Snr I'm otherwise engaged.

Wilma: No, it's not him, Sir Gordon..... Sir Gordon ?

GD: Yes ?

Wilma: There appears to be a piece of Lodge Novo cutlery .... er .... lodged in your head.

GD: You're havering woman, get back to your desk

Wilma: And an unfortunate aroma. A mixture of coconut and fish, like fish pakora. Have you changed your aftershave ?

GD: Wilma, who is on the blasted phone ? Put him through immediately.

Wilma: It's Sir Edward Alexanderson of Harmony Row. Could you ask him for a couple of tickets for......

GD: Do it, Wilma. NOW.

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