Thursday 29 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 36

SOAL: Yi'v the large-breasted Boynita tae thank fur that.

WG: How come ?

SOAL: Shi tried tae phone ye last night n yir moby wiz switched aff. Shi panicked n goat in touch wi me.

WG: How did shi git your number ?

SOAL: Shi knows ma maw's maiden name. Shi went tae the bank, accessed ma details n goat ma number that wey.

NAFOS: Is that legal ?

SOAL: That's neither here nur there, Naf.

WG: Then whut happened ?

SOAL: She phoned mi n Ah said ' You're meant tae bi WG in The Square & Compass' - that's when shi goat fraught.

The Badger: She knows the pub-dash-lodge ?

SOAL: Evidently. Remember shi comes fae doon that wey.

WG: So whit did Boynita say ?

SOAL: Thit yi wur in danger - 'A bam tae the slaughter' wiz the phrase shi used Ah think.

WG: Whit ?

SOAL: Aye, she suspects yon Catriona ay foul play.

WG: That yin's a wee darnelist bitch. Ah'll Sudocrem hur aw right. Hur n that scumbag Stuart.

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