Sunday 25 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 22

The Reverend James

Teser - Saturday Session

NAFOS: So what brand of newt's urine are ye drinkin today, Gemster ?

WG: The Rev James

NAFOS: Whit ?

WG: Ah thoat Ah'd hae a drink thit reflected tomorrow's encounter wi oor good friend and man of God, Curry McMichael

NAFOS: Is it wan ay yir real ales ?

WG: Aye, here's the spiel:- Brains, The Rev James...

SOAL: A Welsh beer then ?

WG: Very good, Arthur - Cardiff, if Ah'm no mistaken, deffo South Wales in any event

SOAL: So whit diz the bevvy brochure say aboot it ?

WG: This mid-brown beer has a strong flavour of malt and fruit, balanced by a slight hop aroma from its blend of hops, leading to a pleasing, malty finish

NAFOS: Ah don't like the sound ay 'mid-brown' - it reminds mi ay a underperformin centrocampisto of my unfortunate acquaintance

WG: Aye, Ah'm gittin fed up ay him an aw. Anywey they've run oot ay Grafton Blondie so Ah'll settle for The Rev McMichael,thank you kindly

NAFOS: Arthur ?

SOAL: Ah'll continue the Scott Broon theme - a skoosh ay cola wi a double voddy therein

NAFOS: It's only 12 noon ya jaiky

SOAL: Ah know bit Ah need tae split shortly. Christmas shoppin - the early bird n aw that..

NAFOS shakes his head and goes to the bar

SOAL: No waantin tae sound nosey or nowt, WG, bit whut's the latest wi you n the blouse-bustin Boynita ?

WG: A hiatus, Arthur

SOAL: A whut ?

WG: We're between events, amigo. The only time she's free this weekend is when we're it the fitba.Ah take it yir still gaun or diz Santa's Grotto require ye the morra an aw ?

SOAL: Ah'll bi there tae gie The Bhoys a cheer, WG

WG: Aye, bit wull yi bi there tae gie The Bhoys a beer, Arthur ?

SOAL: Course Ah wull

WG: Ah look foward tae it then.Four a'cloak kick-aff so plenty time fur a swally hame n away - joost the wey we like it

NAFOS (shouts from the bar): WG, The Reverend is finished

WG: Ah wish he wiz. Whit's ma alternative?

NAFOS: Ah'm afraid wur back tae the Boynita theme again

WG: Oot wi it, Naf

NAFOS: Skinner's Cornish Knocker Ale

WG: Oan ye go then. Ah'll hae two jugs.

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