Thursday 29 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 37

SOAL: So Ah gethirt the Bhoys the gither n headit doon the A71

WG: N how did ye nobble Brother Browning ?

SOAL: Wi caught him comin oot ay Rugby Park wi the leftowers fae the gemme. Wi commandeered his vehicle n asked him whit his plans wir fur the night......... n......Bingo !!!

The Badger: Yi made him an oaffir hi cudny refuse ?

SOAL: Naw, he made ME an oaffir Ah cudny refuse.

NAFOS: Whit ?

SOAL: He said 'If yi spare ma life Ah'll git yi access tae Lodge Novo where yir pal is'.

NAFOS: N whit did ye reply ?

SOAL: 'If yi throw in a cupla peppered steak slices it's a deal'

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