Sunday 25 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 19

A Meeting Of Minds

WG: Good afternoon, Brother Stuart, and to what do we, The Teser Illuminati, owe the pleasure of your company ?

Stuart rises from his seat and profers his right hand which WG dismisses with a shake of his Jim Morrison/Alexander The Great locks

DS: Er, we just thought we'd pop in for a quiet bite to eat, Mr Gemmell

WG: Nice day for it

DS: I beg your pardon

WG: Curry Night, Brother Stuart. Curry and a drink from our wide range of quality brands, £5.99 a whip. Twelve of your unfairly earned quid and you've substantially refreshed yourself and Ms............ ?

DS: Er.....Catriona

WG: The name rings a dinger, Dougal. Let me guess.....this here, Catriona, does she have a thing for the letters which would form one's mother's maiden name ?

Cat: Yes, I work at the bank. Do I know you ?

WG: Oh I've got it now, Catriona. You're better with the maiden names than your actual customers' names. Mr Winning Gemmell, we spoke last week.

Cat: Are you sure your first name's not Winston ?

WG: Absolutely certain. And how is my favourite customer adviser to the European hungover ?

Cat: Boynita ?

WG: The very one

Cat: She went home sick at morning break

WG: Oh dear, Dougal, do we anticipate the patter of tiny feet ?

DS: Yes I think I'll have the lamb anton josh. Catriona ? Mr Gemmell, would you care to join us ?

WG: No, I don't take to Curry. and I particularly don't take to your close friend and fellow knuckle-cruncher, Curry McMichael. I take it you recall our little rendezvous on Saturday afternoon ?

DS: It's indelibly etched on my memory

WG: Well I'd strongly advise you to have a little word in the shell-like of McMichael prior to his mishandling of our forthcoming match against the Killjoys at the aptly-named Rugby Park. Any cheating and he will be next to be interviewed by Commander Collins and his self-styled Wishaw Militia.

DS: Consider it done lines against Bjornborg

WG: Aye, love-all. I'll keep in touch.

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