Friday 16 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 17

Teser, Lunchtime, Post-Aalborg (Home)

NAFOS: Well, that wiz brutal last night. Ah hate tae see left-fittit players takin penalties wi thur left fits

SOAL: Wid yi raither they took thum wi thir right fits ?

NAFOS: Naw, Ah'd raither they never took thum at aw. Rogan, Dobcheck, Brady, Rix - the list is goalless.

WG: N yon goal...

SOA: Whit goal ? Wi didny score any apart fae the wan that tool chalked aff

WG: Ah mean the actual goal, the goalmouth area it the huns end. Hauntit it is, Ah'm convinced ay it

NAFOS: Haunted bi who or bi whit ?

WG: Hauntit bi the ghost ay Henrik Dixie Nicholas Thomson

SOAL: Only wan ay thaym's deid WG

WG: Ah know - 'fur in yir goal a spirit stands, Johnny Thomson is his name'.... bit the thing is this....

NAFOS: Whit noo ? Cin yi no joost accept things is they ur in reality for wance in yir sad life ?

SOAL: Naw, hear him oot NAFOS, Ah waant tae see where this is gaun.

WG: Ower the crossbar probably, Arthur. Noo, if we accept that the spirit ay Johnny Thomson - NO the spirit ay Arthur Lee - if we accept the spirit ay Johnny thomson is in oor goal dis he chinge haufs at hauf time ? Dis he know which wey we're shootin ? Ah think he disnae. Ah think he spooks OOR penalty-takers it the huns end. Think aboot aw the misses ower the years. Wi must huv missed aboot a hunner agin the Jags n still goat through wan night. Naw, naw - Ah think that goal is hauntit... n hauntit the wrang wey.

NAFOS (shakes his head despairingly) WG, cin Ah offer ye a spirit ay yir choice ?

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