Sunday 11 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 6 ah wiz caught totally short. Ah didny expect there wid be a second collection n Ah pit ma mates' tenner intae the Vincey Paul boax

Boyn: Vincey Paul ?

WG: The St Vincent de Paul Society, it's a Catholic charitable organisation. They provide help to the poor and needy, regardless ay creed or colour. Ah wiz thinkin ay approachin them masel but then thoat Ah'd bi robbin Peter tae pay De Paul and......

Boyn: And that's where I come in ?

WG: Well as Peter himself did say 'Lord, to whom else could we turn ?'

Boyn: I like a man with a healthy regard for the scriptures, Winston, but remember the verse 'man does not live on bread alone.' What's a girl got to do to get a drink in these parts ?

WG: Well you've probably gathered Ah'm no exactly flush at the moment

Boyn: Here's a Hampden Roar - that should be enough to pay back your friends' badge money and get us all a little drinkypoo. Now, why don't you introduce me ? I can't say I'm particularly awestruck from my current vantage point.

WG: OK, 'nita, let's do it.

Boyn: Winston, I'm Boyn to my friends. Be a gent and fetch my brolly, does it ever not rain in this town ?

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