Sunday 11 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 5

NAFOS: Is that tightwad still oan the phone, Arthur ?

SOAL: Naw, he appears tae huv hung up, either that or his moby's run oot ay money an aw (stifles guffaw)

NAFOS: We need tae stick wi this Arthur. a united front - Et Pluribus Unum as they say oan the Benfica badge

SOAL: Aye and badges are the very focus of our current unhappiness, NAFOS. Ah waant recompense fur ma hard-earned if somewhat daft fiver.

NAFOS: Ehh up......... Check oot that gorgeous blonde coming through the door.

SOAL: Lordy. Ah love a burd in uniform

NAFOS: She's headit straight fur WG, must bi wan ay his cousins fae Fauldhoose, Or mibbe she's wan ay his support workers.

SOAL: Ah don't recognise the blue tartan uniform bit she's probably goat an accordion in the hoose tae go alang wi it.....!!

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