Sunday 11 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 3

NAFOS:'s like this. SOAL n masel hud a wee chat whilst you wur trying tae charm the Rangers tap aff Boynita

WG: Yis did, did yis ?

NAFOS: Aye, that it might be a good idea if you became..... how cin Ah pit this?..... self-sufficient

WG: Self-sufficient ? Arthur Lee, are you party to this almost Maurice Johnston-like act of betrayal and treachery ?

SOAL: It wiz NAFOS's idea but Ah believe the concept diz huv some merit. It's time ye stood oan yir ain two feet. We canny support yi evermore as goes

NAFOS: Aye............n there's also the issue ay the CQN badge money........

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