Sunday 11 January 2009

The Gate In The Wood - Episode 10

NAFOS: So, same again then ?

Boyn: Oh, not for me, thank you. I'm meeting with some important customers this afternoon and had better keep a clear head. Could I trouble you for a packet of cashews though ?

NAFOS splutters into the remnants of his Tinnints as the Teser cashews come in at a hefty £2.50 a bag. WG manages to flash Boynita his most winning smile as SOAL as ever ponders the step after this one

SOAL: Ah'll joost hae a voddy wi a teardrap ay cola, nae ice. In fact make it a double.

NAFOS: See you

SOAL: Aw right, a hauf pint ay Coors an aw then

NAFOS: Ah'll Coors ye ya big skinny snake. Winsty ?

WG: Gemme Burd in a jug, NAFOS. Nae frills fur me.

NAFOS heads to the bar and quickly returns with Arthur Lee's vodka and the expensive packet of cashews then dashes back to the bar for the other two drinks

Boyn: Gosh, look at the time, I'd better get back to work

NAFOS (shouts from the bar) WG, the Gemme Burd's off

WG: Aye, Ah know, she's joost tellt is

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