Wednesday 9 May 2007

Artur Flags Up Target For Celtic Snipers

I was surprised to read how little Artur Boruc enjoys football. He reminds me of myself.

The Polish custodian mentioned earlier this season that he rarely watches the beautiful game on television and is interested only in the fortunes of his former club, Legia Warsaw. I'm the same myself. I'm in the fortunate position of being able to watch almost every Celtic game in person and the only time I watch football on television is to follow the fortunes of the wee team, Arsenal. The rest don't interest me, I would not dream of sitting down to Fulham v Charlton, Dunfermline v Motherwell etc.

It therefore does interest me when Artur displays behaviour that flies in the face of his declared apathy. Has he suddenly fallen in love with Celtic ? It happens you know. It happened to me forty years ago, mostly unrequited but there you go. Artur seems to be wearing his affections on his sleeve and the body politic aint happy. Today we find out the football authority's response to Artur's 'We've won the league again' demonstrati at Megiddo but for Celtic fans the questions remain. Is he working to a Celtic fan's agenda (self-vilification for the greater good) or a cynic's agenda (tactically working his ticket by creating/exacerbating a hostile working environment) ?

I like him. I laughed loudly at the darnelists' reaction to his behaviour on Saturday. He single-glovedly pricked their barely-inflated balloon. But I wonder what he's up to in the longterm.

The Celtic snipers are jostling for position on a grassy knowl near you. They feel and would dearly welcome a wind of change. Should Artur be providing them with ammo?

Hail Hail


Curly said...

Morning WG -

I still haven't seen the pictures of this alleged trangression, but from what I have read online, it doesn't seem to be any more inflammatory than them going into a huddle after beating us 3-scud at the Dallas game.

And did gazza not leave the cleaning staff a wee message in the bath after that game? Or was it another time when that wee harmless bit of fun (copyright any Scottish Daily / Sunday rag) took place?


winningemmell said...

Curly - morning amigo

excellent sir and my point exactly, perception is everything as Mr Huxley would opine. I do wonder if Artur has been taken to task by Celtic though. I heard on the radio this morning that AB has 'apologised' for his actions. This would doubtless be an apology through gritted teeth a la Sutton/Dunfermline, intended to minimise possible repercussions. Chris's apology fell on deaf ears and I don't expect any different here.

Unknown said...

Greetings WG and all the best for the blog.

Cannae remember this bhoy Arthur Lee btw.....he must've played before my time, maybe with Frank Haffey & Paddy Crerand etc....

Artur gave us our best moment of the day as far as I'm concerned in a totally non-political (it wisnae a Tri-Colour) and non-sectarian (it wisnae a God Bless The Pope scarf) manner - the topics that normally create real controversy.

The media punters who chastise Artur are the same ones who thought it was a great hoot that Souness planted his Turkish team's flag on opposition territory....then it was a "....Souness, he's some boy, takes some bottle to do that" attitude.

Curly also right about their huddle.

As always, there's a bottom line.

Celtic are CHAMPIONS, and they hate it.

Ulysses McGhee said...

Is there such a thing as a collective selective memory?

I can just hear the chorus of 'But... that wis different...' If you brought up the black armband or the huddle at Celtic Park or... nah I don't have all day for that list.

I think Artur is a bit bonkers and very thick skinned and for whatever reasons he harbours a healthy 'mistrust' of the meggido govanites.

As the Scottish press lines up to canonise Wattie and Sally and Stephen Kenny (Wee Chic in the days after us lifting trophy) and conspicuously ignore Strachan - I feel it's situation normal for Scottish football/Scottish press - and has more than a few familiar echoes of times gone past.

The fourth estate - aye if run by fairbairn...

Kano said...

How ye WG.

The Artur thing is a lot of garbage.

He grabbed a flag off of a Celtic fan and ran directly towards the dressing room.

If it had been me I would have planted on their centre spot and gave then something to moan about.

I reckon he grabbed it for a wee noise up in the home dressing room,which we haven't yet heard about.

Good luck wi yer wee blog by the way.


winningemmell said...

Tully, Ulysses & Kano -

Aye it's one rule for them and a whole set of regulations for us. An interesting 'choice' of flag as you point out, Tully. If memory serves it did not even include the word CELTIC. It was pure matter of fact, CHAMPIONS. A dagger through their collective heart.

Re the blog - no big plans for this, just an outlet for personal interests. There will be more music-related stuff in the future I'm sure.

craigneukbhoy said...

best of luck with the blog.
Dont you think that the press needs a new target now that the "Lennon Baiting" us coming to an end?

winningemmell said...

Craigneukbhoy -

could not agree more. Artur now on record as saying he's staying at G40 till 2009 so the throne is his.