Sunday 3 June 2007

Somewhere Apart

It is suggested in some quarters that Celtic and Rangers be co-opted into the G14 group as a one-vote joint bloc. This is the last thing we need at this particular moment in time and I'd rather the huns took a smidgeon of one-upmanship than we be deemed to be similar in any way. Our top bhoy might be Japanese, our top story may be Portuguese but God help us if we are seen to be Siamese with the sister of sectarianism. Rather out than in on this one.


Curly said...

WG -

Seems like I am the only one who is talking to you today.

I am with you 100% on this one my friend, I would rather not eat at the table with the top teams if it means being lumped in with them. I have no problems with them making it on their own, but I, like you and the vast majority of Celtic fans, resent being lumped in with that mob. And that comes from a Proddie!!

Hail! Hail!


logger 'GG said...

Siamese sister of sectarianism.
Classic alliteration.
Let's have more of the same on CQN.

BTW I am in full accord.

'GG discovering other blogs worth checking.